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Vegetable Farm


upcoming events

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Hootenanny & Annual Meeting 2025.png

Cabbage Moth Story Hour

Saturday, March 1st: 6pm
Windham Textile Museum

411 Main St., Willimantic CT, 06226


Join us after the CT NOFA Winter Conference for food, drink, and the NCTFA famous Cabbage Moth Story Hour! Farmers are invited to take the stage and share a farm-related story: the time you had to chase your chickens across town, your craziest farm injury, your moment of agricultural inspiration, etc. Time limit is 8 minutes. This gathering will take place a short drive from Eastern’s campus.



Hootenanny & Annual Meeting

Sunday March 9th: 2pm-4:30pm

Elicit Brewing Co. Manchester, CT

Tickets here


The annual Hootenanny is a chance to hang out with your fellow farmers, compare plans for the coming season, and hear about NCTFA's work building a better future for CT agriculture!


We'll go over official NCTFA business like our annual report and Steering Committee elections. But don't worry, most of the event will involve eating snacks and drinking beer (there will be nonalcoholic options as well!)

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