Farmers continue to be uniquely impacted by climate change. Flooding, heat waves, drought, and other unprecedented weather events are just a few challenges Connecticut farmers have had to navigate in the past few years. Farmers are also uniquely positioned to mitigate some of its worst effects by building local resilience to these severe weather events. NCTFA seeks to support the next generation of climate stewards to tend to the land in ways that will ultimately benefit all of us.
We will be awarding two tiers of grants to Connecticut farms in 2025 to fund a range of agriculture and forestry practices that contribute to climate change mitigation and resilience.
Read more about our 2024 Climate Smart Grantees here.
Example of Climate Smart Agriculture:
SolaWrap High Tunnel at Marble Valley Farm
Register for virtual info sessions on Tuesday, October 29th at 6pm and Wednesday, November 6th at 6pm for interested applicants to learn more about the grant program, application requirements, and submission process.

Who is eligible?
NCTFA’s grant program is open to any farm in Connecticut. Please note that non-profit farms are ineligible for this grant for this round. We will give priority consideration to applications from new/beginning farmers, Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) farmers, LGBTQ+ farmers, veteran farmers, and farmers who speak English as a second language.

what does the grant cover?
Farmers can apply for funding for climate smart agricultural or forestry practices.
A resource list of practices is available here: NCTFA Climate Smart Practices. Your project does not have to be on this list. (Not sure whether your project is a climate smart practice? Get in touch with us to talk it through!)
We will be looking for applications that include the following components:
One or more climate smart practice
Clear project vision with evidence of careful planning, thought and research
Demonstrates creative problem solving, and meets a current or emerging need
Project is feasible with planned personnel, project activities timeline, and budget expenses
Evidence that project will have impact beyond the one year of implementation
We also prioritize projects that have already secured NRCS funding for the proposed project, or projects that the applicant is in the process of applying for NRCS funding.​

Examples of Climate Smart projects
These are just a few examples! See more on ​our NCTFA Climate Smart Practices
list, and we are also happy to work with ideas that are not on our list!
Solar panels on previously existing farm infrastructure (not primary farm residence) to power on farm electricity needs
Purchase of equipment for cover cropping, reduced till, and no-till systems
Pasture development and fencing
Silvopasture development (combining trees and pasture for raising livestock)
Agroforestry (pasture or crops are integrated with trees and shrubs) and perennial crop plantings
Forest management
Energy efficiency upgrades & establishment of energy efficient infrastructure, including purchase of electric tools and equipment
Climate smart irrigation projects
Season extension
On farm composting
Safety equipment and infrastructure for farmers to deal with heat and extreme weather events
Projects that promote knowledge sharing between farmers about climate smart practices

What is NOT covered?
Areas NOT funded by this grant:
Land acquisition or mortgages
Cost of borrowing (points and other fees)
Expenses related to establishing a new organization/business
Any portion of expense for which the applicant pays a contractor in merchandise or service in lieu of cash
Tuition/tuition reimbursement or career-related/scholarship funds
Disposable supplies (office, farm, otherwise) unrelated to the project
Legal expenses related to litigation
Income Taxes
Any expenses before grant contract is signed

Grant amounts
Funding will be available in two tiers:
18 grants of up to $8,000
4 grants of up to $30,000

How to apply!
There are three ways you can apply:
OR record a video of yourself answering all the application questions, and submit your video here.
OR set up an on-farm in-person interview for us to come to you by reaching out to the contact info below. We will audio record your answers to the application questions and the transcript of your interview will serve as the application.
Please let us know if you have any questions, and how we can help with your application. Contact Liz at nctfaclimate@gmail.com for English. Para información en español, contacte Ella Kennen al newctfarmers@gmail.com

Deadlines & timeline
Applications open on October 21st, 2024
and close on December 13th, 2024 at 11:59pm -
Grantees will be announced in February 2025
Grant funds will be distributed in full in March 2025
Projects must be completed between March 2025 to March 2026

Please let us know how we can help with your application.
Contact Liz at nctfaclimate@gmail.com for English
Para información en español, contacte Ella Kennen al newctfarmers@gmail.com

Funding for this project was paid for by the Climate Smart Farming: Agriculture and Forestry Grant. Funding awarded and administered by the Connecticut Department of Agriculture.