Writing a quick post about another bill NCTFA has voted to support this year: SB 284
SB 284 would expand HUSKY availability to it available to qualifying immigrants under 18, regardless of immigrant status.
You can read more about NCTFA's support for this bill below, and find a template to submit your own testimony here. You can also sign up to testify at the hearing on Thursday, and get support from the HUSKY for Immigrants Coalition. Testimony is due by 10am on March 10!
The New CT Farmer Alliance supports this bill because we know that immigrants represent a vital part of our local food system, and we believe that we all deserve access to quality healthcare.
As farmers, we know how hard it can be to get by without access to adequate health insurance. Farmers and farm workers in our community have struggled to keep ourselves healthy while we paradoxically dedicate our lives to growing nutritious food. Farm workers, including immigrant farm workers, are a vital part of our state's economy, and deserve the tools they need to keep themselves and their families healthy. Furthermore, farmer worker wellbeing us a crucial aspect of farm viability and affects the entire local food system.
By leaving immigrant workers behind in our COVID recovery efforts, we are leaving behind some of the very people that kept us fed during the tumultuous pandemic. Healthy communities require healthy people at every link in the food chain. If the pandemic has shown us anything, it's that expanding HUSKY to cover immigrants of any age would do a lot to keep our entire community safe and healthy.